At North Haven we understand the emotional, social and practical challenges of living well with dementia. Maintaining a life outside of the home or indeed sharing the closeness you once had together can often become difficult. This together with the demands of practical care and support can leave you feeling isolated and exhausted.
Home Care for people with Dementia

North Haven services sensitively respond to the individual needs of you and your family. Our flexible services are tailored to fit with your chosen lifestyle so you continue to enjoy the important things in your life. People often confuse the terms ‘dementia’ and ‘Alzheimer’s disease’. Dementia is the name given to a specific group of diseases which all cause a serious decline in the functioning of the brain. Whereas, Alzheimer’s disease refers to one specific type of dementia, and is the most common form.
You may think dementia is an inevitable ’fact’ of aging but age does not cause dementia, although the risk does significantly increase with age. Dementia can affect younger adults as well as older people.
There are currently about 800,000 people suffering from dementia in the UK and this figure is likely to increase to over a one million by 2021. Around 17,000 people under the age of 65 years have a form of dementia. About a quarter of people between the ages of 70 and 79 years are affected, and this rises to one in six for people who are over 80 years of age. Whilst dementia cannot be cured, the condition can be slowed down if it is caught early enough. Early diagnosis can also enable you to access the right dementia care. If you notice any of the following symptoms it is vital to seek medical help as soon as possible.
Signs and symptoms of dementia:
Signs and symptoms may vary depending upon the type of dementia and the area of
brain cells affected. For example:
- More frequent memory loss, forgetful of familiar people, places or recent events
- Slower than usual thinking speed, difficulty finding the right words
- Periods of mental confusion
- Difficulty understanding or making decisions
- Impaired reasoning, inability to make judgements, plan or carry out tasks that require concentration
- Changes in personality or mood, disinhibited behaviour
- Increased apathy or lack of interest in their usual activities
- Withdrawn due to a loss of confidence or inability to manage everyday tasks and communication
- Hallucinations, hearing or seeing things that others don’t
- Loss of sense of time, people, places
Once other causes have been eliminated your GP is likely to make a referral to a specialist such as a neuro-psychologist or psychiatrist. They may:
- Talk to the person and people who are close to them
- Use a tool to test memory and thinking (such as the Mini Mental State Examination)
- Arrange a brain scan
- Carry out a physical examination
- Arrange Care and support to stay well
North Haven can provide experienced staff to help you maintain your quality of life while remaining in your own home. We create a specialised dementia care plan with you. This might include:
- Reminding or helping you to take your medicines to manage your symptoms
- Support with bathing and/or dressing to keep you looking your best
- Catheter care and continence management to maintain your dignity and comfort
- Help to establish a regular exercise routine to improve mood and mobility and to strengthen muscles
- Making sure you have plenty of fluids and a balanced diet with enough fresh fruit and vegetables and fibre to keep you healthy and avoid constipation
- Assisting with routine household chores and shopping so your home life is as you would like it to be
- Companionship, or helping you to be involved in social activities.
- Our services provide the support and care you need to get you and your loved ones through the difficult days.